Tuesday, November 11, 2008

10 times the Hollywood average!

Today is our 8th wedding anniversary! Eight years ago today we got married in the Mt. Timpanogos temple. It snowed every day that week except for our wedding day, and we had a beautiful snow carpet all around.. And a short sleeved dress purchased in June for a wedding originally planned for September. But we pushed it back to the Saturday when everyone could make it to the wedding and got November 11th, 2000. Check out how cheesy this is - on 11/11/11, it will be our 11th anniversary. That's the kind of cheese you can't buy in stores. So we like the number 11. You know, 11 carseats, 11 student loans, etc.

I'm kind of embarassed to admit that we didn't realize we were getting married on Veteran's Day until the day of. Didn't quite make it on the radar (we love and support the troops but are apparently clueless). Yesterday Micaela asked "Mommy, why is your anniversary on veterinarian's day?" Good question. "Because we love animals, Micaela."

Anyway, the whole day was amazing, and then we got to go on our honeymoon to the Bahamas! And that was the last time we had fun. No, just kidding! Pretty sure we've had some good times. :) Here are some pictures of the big day:



Here's our cake topper. We actually brought this home with us (to our little cabin in vermont) and when we unpacked it, the groom's head had been broken off. I thought that was pretty funny, but of course not at all applicable or appropriate to our situation...


Happy Anniversary! I love you!


Jeremy's Jade said...

I remember that day like it was yesterday. I totally cried at your reception because it was so beautiful and also because I couldn't believe how horribly grown-up we were. Anyway, Congratulations!

Jaime said...

Happy Anniversary you guys! That's cute..."and that's the last time we've had fun!" How true does that sound in a funny way? It's hard to remember it ever being just the two of you right?

misty said...

It's so fun to see your family. Your family is bigger but you look exactly the same beautiful!