Saturday, June 21, 2008

I'm so glad when Daddy comes home

We had a great Father's day visit from Daddy, who's still working hard in Colorado.



We miss you when you're gone, Dad!


Stephanie said...

Beautiful girls, Sarah. I can't believe your babies have changed into such perfect little girls. Your professional pics are great, too! I can't wait until your family will be together for good. This flying back and forth stuff is crazy....

Melissa Buecher said...

Your girls are looking so old and so cute! I'm not sure if you got my email about my brother potentially being in your ward, but I did hear back from him and found out you are not in the same ward, but in the same stake. He just got called to be a high councilman (is that supposed to be one word?). Anyway, sounds like you guys are doing well. I thought Jason was already out there with you!

Jaime said...

LOVE the blog paper and the snail photo and really ALL your photos - so great!