Joseph is growing so fast - I'm not entirely sure how he's doing it, since he seems to spit up pretty much everything he eats.. but still, he's almost 12 pounds - two more pounds (probably 2 more weeks) from now, he'll have doubled his birth weight. That means I can give him rice cereal, right? I guess probably not this young..
Here he is at 4 weeks old

this picture cracks me up - they're making the same face as far as I can tell

Andrew really loves his baby brother & takes good care of him

And here he is at 5 weeks old - chubby cheeks!

And with Dad, who finally got to come home for a visit after being gone for 3 whole weeks!
He has really grown!! Does it seem like with each kid it just seems to go faster + faster??! He sure is a cutie!
He's so tiny! I'm glad he and you and everyone else are doing well. Babies are so sweet! Every one is a miracle!
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