We had a (miraculously) successful family portrait session! And it was free, unless you count the gallons of gas required to get the Beast up to south fork park. I brought my camera and tripod, set it all up, and my sister did the snapping and the shaking of the skittles bag to try to bribe the kids to look in her direction. I can't believe we got one!

Afterwards I couldn't help but snap a few more..

PS - You'll all be seeing that family picture in your Christmas card, so.. you know, just try to act surprised. ;)
Ok, seriously. How did you do it. Tell me there was a lot of photoshopping involved. Because if your children all sat nicely and gave those lovely smiles by themselves all in the same shot, then you do win the mother of the year award. But then you already would have won for getting a picture ready for your Christmas card 3 months ahead of time. Do you have all your presents purchased and wrapped as well? And I am sure your food storage shelves are adequately stocked for a 3 year supply. Plus, I know for a fact that you baked your own bread this morning from freshly ground wheat. Thanks.
Sarah, those pics are GORGEOUS!! You guys are such a cute family. :)
I love them! Those are soooo Cute!
It is beautiful!! Great job girl! I cannot believe those are all your kids - amazing!
Your family is so cute! I can't believe how big they are. I hope homeschool is going well!
Okay THAT is an awesome family picture. Way to go. That ALMOST inspires me to do the same...almost. I love the one of the girls.
I can't stop looking at these pictures. They're so perfect!!!!
ahhh beautiful pics! I LOVE them. Oh and you are NUTS trying to wait lol. I would die of anticipation:) I find out in 1.5 weeks
The first thought I had is "that family looks heavenly." Okay, so it sounded better in my head, but there is a sort of ethereal glow about you. Absolutely beautiful. And amazing that you could get everyone looking and smiling at the same time.
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