This is Micaela with her bucket that was full of money 3 days ago!
Micaela had 4 baby teeth pulled in February and got 4 dollars from the generous tooth fairy for her ordeal at the dentist. Last week she gathered up those dollars (which she guarded with her life for 3 weeks!) and all the coins she could find or earn and that bucket was pretty full!
Our primary has a 'Spare Change Jar' which they are encouraging kids to fill with spare coins throughout this year, with the goal of buying Christmas presents for poor kids in December.
Micaela has brought a little handful of coins every week, but this week she was SO excited to bring her bucket of money!! Every day she counted and sorted her coins, and she had quite a bit of money in there! She was so proud when she dumped the whole thing in the primary jar!
We were so proud of her!
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