We've had a great 6 weeks here in happy valley, although we're drowning in clothes since we apparently need the summer and winter wardrobes out at the same time - 80 degrees one day, 20 the next.. running in sprinklers, digging the car out of a snow bank - that's spring life in utah for you. After 6 'springs' in New Hampshire (constant snow banks mixed with ice storms) we'll definitely take it!
We took advantage of one of the sunny days recently and took the kids to the garden at Thanksgiving Point. We thought we were going to the tulip festival, but we were 3 days too early for that - oops.. It was still beautiful, and great to be out of the house!
Kids with 9month pregnant mommy:
and with Grandma...
Feeding the fish - probably the highlight
Classic - he's not too happy with the forced hug
that's better..
stop and smell the hyacinth
We're trying to keep busy around here (not that that's much of a challenge) while we wait for our new baby boy. Now that I have a few free gigs on the old clunker, I'll (hopefully) be back before 6 more weeks go by!