Everything worked out well with my mom - her surgery was successful and we had a few good weeks together before she headed back out on her mission - this time to Pennsylvania! So far she is loving it there! Here she is at the airport with Micaela:
We took a trip to Utah for a week or so in the end of July and got to visit with lots of friends and family. We took the kids up provo canyon and let them get their feet wet in the river, and then up to deer creek reservoir for a muddy romp on the receding beach line - it was disgusting, but a lot of fun.
Our friends Bryce and Lisa (and their adorable daughter Sophie) came to visit for a few days this month - it was SO fun to see them again!
We tried to keep homeschooling through the summer (just a little bit each day) but that quickly fell to the sidelines.. But we started up in full swing last Monday (Aug 20) having school time from 9-12 each day. We're learning Ancient History, math, some Chinese, Spanish, some science, and a bit of spelling here and there. So far it's going really well! Here are a few pics of our first day of school "party"
And one more recent picture that I snapped during Sophie's photo shoot - pretty sure I didn't brush their hair that day.. :)
And last but not least we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our fifth baby who could make his appearance any day now! (But who will probably wait it out for a few more weeks..) He's looking pretty big in there:
Everything's all set for him to make his big debut.. Except we haven't found a babysitter yet.. hmm - anyone interested? ;) (minor details..)
That's all for now. Stay tuned for the big birth announcement post, hopefully coming soon!